Friday, March 14, 2014

The Folly of Kevin Bower, Estate Sale Organizer....

Welcome Shadow followers....

It seems that the world of Estate,Garage,Yard Sales has picked up a new twist... one that will likely leave one Estate Sale Organizer twisting in the wind!

Kevin Bower, well known Estate Sale Organizer has seen fit to start charging folks money to have the privilege to stand in line at his sales.

The Shadow is not pleased.... NOR SHOULD YOU BE!!!

Here is a quote from him announcement on

"HEADS UP FOR THE FUTURE. I will be turning the sign up list over to a secretarial service. To pay fo this service there will be a $5.00 fee to sign up. ALL PAYMENTS for this will be by credit card only. This fee will be for EACH person attending my sale and will be subject to a charge whether you attend or not. I hope you will understand. It has become entirely to much for me to deal with 150 plus call and texts every sale. I have SOLD the first 35 positions for ONE YEAR So enjoy the free sign up this week but look for the change shortly."

Yes Mr. Bower... look for the change indeed....

The audacity of this tactic is stunning.

People have begun a boycott movement against Mr. Bowers business and The Shadow approves of this response! In the last few years the Estate Sale market in Portland has gotten so competitive that many do not bother to attend any longer because of the intense favoritism in regards to "lists". There seems to be a small gang of professional buyers who have cornered the market and people are getting sick and tired of it!


Mr. Bowers ridiculous tactic has infuriated MANY people and it seems to only be picking up steam! Now when you attend his sales you will not even get on the list until you have given him $5, in advance, via credit card, and even then you will never get a lower number then in the 40's, 50's 100's???? Are you willing to throw $5 in the trash so that you can wait in line and be given the privilege of sorting through the trash that the "favorites" didn't want????

Call, email or text Mr. Bowers and express your disdain for his appalling practice. In fact... call, email or text ALL OF THE ESTATE SALE ORGANIZERS and tell them to no longer use "lists".

DEMAND that all Sale Organizers offer the same, simple and fair entry practice. A LINE.

That's right... it is simple, direct, easy to do, self explanatory and universally understood by all. The first person in line will be the first person through the door. This technique has worked for literally CENTURIES and no one can argue it's fairness. If you want to be the first through the door at a sale, then get there early and wait in line, like everyone else.

It is up to us, the buying public, to demand change and that will not happen without your voice!!! Join The Shadow and let your voice be heard!! Spread the word on CL, Facebook, Email, Phone... scream it out your window if you have to... but demand a fair market for all!!!!

The Shadow knows...... Bwwaaaaahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Time for change....

Although The Shadow has not contributed to this blog as of late, it doesn't mean that The Shadow is not around... watching...

A recent Estate Sale demonstrated once again a serious problem that is growing... favoritism.

The Shadow has learned that a list was advertised as being "put out" at 6pm the night before the sale, only the list already had more then 30 people on it before it was ever released to the general public?! It is apparent that the Estate Sale playing field is anything but level and there seems to be plenty of folks angry about it. The Shadow addressed this issue earlier in the blog, but it is clear that the Sellers are not listening. It is time to make them listen.

Are you as a Buyer tired of always being far down the list, even though you were there when the list was put on the porch? Are you tired of Sellers putting their "good buddies" on the list loooooong before they even advertise the sale? Are you tired of the same people always miraculously ending up at the head of the line?

Then it is high time you let all of the Estate Sale Companies know it!

At any given weekend you can find a list of Estate Sale Sellers on Contact them through their websites and make it clear to them how you feel! Send them emails, every single day, until things chance. Demand a fair shake, demand an honest list... or better yet, demand the end to the "list" all together.

First in line, first through the door... it is simple, it is direct, it is honest and above all... it is fair.

The Shadow knows!..... Bwwwaaaaaaaahahahahaha!